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Angels in the Classroom

“Angels in the Classroom” - 4 part workshop led by Marian, a statuless caregiver in our After School Program

Marian, a veteran Unitaf caregiver, together with Ruthi (pedagogical guide) and Irit (Special Needs Program Coordinator) organized a four-part workshop to educate and support other caregivers on the subject of special needs.

Marian, a veteran Unitaf manager, along with Ruti (pedagogical instructor) and Irit (special needs program coordinator) organized a 4-session course to educate and support Unitaf caregivers and address and integrate children with special needs in the classroom. This course provides caregivers with information and tools on how to best support children with special needs in the classroom.

Thirteen women participated in the course, who shared challenges and successes, allowed a safe space for sharing and mutual learning, and reminded each other how important it is to see the child beyond difficulties. Well done to all the angels!

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